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Account Settings & Management

Accounts settings available at the user level that are accessed via the User > Account menu. These typically contain settings that would be shared across all Profiles that a User may have. For example if a platform had a Seller and a Buyer Profile under the User, they may both share a common email address.

  • User Account - e.g. John Smith with email [email protected]
    • User's Profiles - e.g. Seller, Buyer

As an administrator you also have a the ability to manage user accounts via the admin dashboard. Typically located at .


When administrating a platform it is likely that you will from time to time receive various support requests requiring you to make changes to user accounts on their behalf. For example a user may have filed a support ticket and as an administrator you need to take some action on the users account to resolve it. The administration dashboard provides you with very detailed control of user accounts and the data associated with it.

This functionality is primarily for administrators, such as site owners, appointed moderators, or those running the platform on a day to day basis.

While it is possible to make changes to user accounts on their behalf, it is encouraged to ask users to update their own details. If you do make changes to a users account on their behalf, ensure you have verified their identity. As an administrator you should avoid changing passwords for users, as this may require you to send their unencrypted password, which is a security concern.


Topic Description
User Management Manage users via administration panel.
User Moderation Moderate new users via administration panel.
Updating Email Address Update email address via user dashboard.
Reset Password Reset a password.
Deactivate Account Deactivate a users account.
Manage Subscription Manage user subcription plans.
Manage Billing Manage billing configuration.
Troubleshooting Contact account manager to troubleshoot account access.

Use cases

Common cases that may require you to utilise the administration of user accounts are:

  • Creating new accounts for other administrators
  • User forgets password or login credentials and they must be reset. Note: for security reasons we recommend you ask them to use the reset password function if possible.
  • Permanently deleting accounts

Depending on what you are trying to do documentation for the feature is split into the following roles.

See also Profile Management


To log into the administrator dashboard you must have a user account with administrator access. This must be granted to you by an existing administrator or your CNXION Account manager.

User Management

If the User Management feature is enabled, then client is able to manage Users in Admin Panel (view, modify, delete, add, make user active or not, make user staff etc.).


Administrator user management

Creating New Accounts

Creating New Accounts for General Users

In some circumstances you may wish to create accounts for you users manually.

  1. Log into the /admin/ portion of your site
  2. Navigate to the Users > Users in the left side menu

    Sidebar User Menu

  3. Click the green Add User button in the upper right hand corner.

    Add User

  4. Enter an email address and secure password. We recommend using a long phrase that you won’t forget for a password. Several words long. You then have the option of, saving, saving and adding another user, or saving and continuing editing. Will will Save and continue editing for this example.

    Add User Form

  5. Now the user has been created, you can optionally make them a staff user and give them access to the admin.

    User Added

Creating New Accounts for Administrators

The process for creating superuser accounts is to:

  1. Go to admin dashboard, e.g.
  2. Add a user by filling in the email, a password and then marking this user as superuser.

You can then update the user with the email and password combination you used. We recommend that you ask the user to reset their password after first login to a strong password with a minimum of 8 characters using a combination of letters, numbers and symbols.

User Moderation

Restrict application access to new users until profiles have been approved by a moderator.

Please see moderation

Administrator user moderation

Update Email Address

  1. Login to the the front end of your platform.
  2. Select Account Settings from the user dropdown menu.
  3. Select the Account Details menu option from the left hand sidebar menu.
  4. Click the Change Email button.
  5. Enter a new email address in the popup modal and click Submit.
  6. Check your email to validate the new email address.

Updating Email Address

Reset Password

We recommend resetting a password using the reset password modal.

Please see end-user reset password account settings.

Administrator Password Reset

  1. Navigate to the User under Users > Users
  2. Select the text that says this form as shown in the below image.
  3. Enter the new password twice
  4. Finally click the Save password button

Resetting Password

Deactivate Account

  1. Login to the the front end of your platform.
  2. Select Account Settings from the user dropdown menu.
  3. Select the Account Details menu option from the left hand sidebar menu.
  4. Click the Deactivate My Account button.
  5. Click the Yes, Deactivate button from the popup modal to confirm account deactivation.

Deactivate Account

Manage Subscription

Setup custom subscription plans for the application.


Please contact support for assistance, documentation to be updated.

Deactivate Account

Manage Billing

Configure billing details for the application.


Please contact support for assistance, documentation to be updated.

Deactivate Account


If you are unable to log in to the administrator portal, check with your account manager that you have been given sufficient access.